Thursday, January 27, 2011

More On Campaign Furniture

What timing! Another blogger wrote about his campaign furniture a day after I put my post up. You can read about it here! He is a big time thrifter and I love reading his blog to see what valuables he finds at good prices.


  1. WOW! YOU have a real talent. I was looking back at some of your posts. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today. I am going to be one of our newest followers. So, dont mind me, I will be poking around a bit.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  2. Hi Mr Goodwill Hunting, thanks for dropping by, I am really chuffed that you took the time to post a comment, my blog here is to share with one or two of my friends back home in Malaysia, so this is a real honour! I am a "silent lurker" of your blog but I enjoyed your post so much about the campaign furniture that I couldn't help myself but give my two cents!
