Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weekend Garage Sale Finds

This post is almost a week late - we are getting our floorboards re-stained and we had to move all our furniture off the floors. That meant the computer being disconnected for a few days.

I went to a garage sale this weekend and it was close to our house. The lady who lived there had sold her house and was moving out of state.

She had some laminate wood book shelves that were 6 feet tall and was selling them for $50 for both. We have a ton of books that are just sitting in boxes in the basement and even though I had built two bookcases, $25 sure worked out to be cheaper than the materials I would need to make a bookshelf. So I bought them. I have plans to repaint them white as these are rather too dark for my liking.

I also saw this Chinoiserie vase sitting in the corner and I loved the almost-greek key details on it. Mine!

I also bought a bicycle for myself. I was going to get one from K-Mart for about $100 (the cheapest I could find) and another one for my 9 year old son.  We live near a national park with lovely bike paths all the way to DC and it seemed such a shame not to be able to use them.  I know nothing about bicycles. I looked at the one the lady had and it was bright, aluminum-looking. No signs of rust. The pedals turned. Good enough for me! $35. Bundled it up in the car and went home.

My hubby looked at it and was approving. He said it had 21 gears and it was a Shimano bike, no idea what that means but it was a good deal. That is music to my ears!

1 comment:

  1. What a good catch, the bike and shelves especially, I think the shelves will definitely look lovely in a new coat of white paint. The vase is lovely too, I always like oriental stuff.

