I hit a snag with my secretary makeover because I was trying to hammer in some nails to put the parts all back together. The angle of some of these nails make it difficult for me to get the nails all the way in. So I thought that if I had screws instead, it might be better and what I would like is to get a driver to help me drill holes into the wood, it would make things easier.
I went to Home Depot on Friday with Matt and I tell you, we both stood there, not knowing what to get. I was overwhelmed with the choices. However, one thing was obvious, most of the drivers were pretty heavy and the one I liked was cordless and small, about 1.8 pounds. However, it was a lot more than I had planned on spending because, well, I am not a serious carpenter or a DIYer. This is my first project on a $100 secretary and I found it hard to justify spending $79 on a driver. No doubt, I will get plenty of use out of it but I just don't have that in my budget right now.
So today, I found out that A Concord Carpenter is having this great giveaway! It sounds like an absolute dream power tool. Robert does a video review of the product too, which is very handy (no pun intended!) for people like me, who need to see how some of these things work.
Click on the link to enter the giveaway! Although, for selfish reasons, I hope that I win it!
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