Sunday, February 8, 2009

Valentine's Day Project

J's schools gave out a Valentine's day project that sounds like fun to do but because we had the 100 day project last weekend, he was dragging his feet when it came to doing this one. So, this weekend, I found myself working on 20-something Valentine's Day cards for the whole class. The instructions are found at Enchanted Learning which was a quick project using paper and aluminium foil. Some chocolate will be stuck on to the cards when they are done. Last year, J came back from school with a basket of sweets, small erasers, chocolates and hand made cards from each of his classmates. As Malaysians do not really get into this occassion - it is seen to be an event between lovers instead of classmates, he and another child were the only one who did not do anything for the classmates. Yikes! I didn't want J to do the project this year, as I wanted to give him a break seeing that he had so much homework after school that it sometimes spills over to the weekends. So I ended up doing it myself! (Not that I minded anyway!)

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