During one of the challenges, the contestants had to make a dress of their choice and I literally gasped when I saw Tilly's dress. I have a thing for all things with scalloped edges and hems so this dress was just so perfect. I also loved how the inside of her dress had these cute scissors print. I looked high and low on her website to see if she sold the pattern or if I buy a pattern with a scalloped neckline somewhere. I would have been prepared to buy a pattern from Tilly if she had one for sale, but alas! My searches showed up empty. (Tilly has another dress in gingham on her website which is adorable.)

So I decided to draft my own pattern, using a screen print of the dress on Youtube (where I watched the series from).
I found a big bundle of fabric at the thrift store about 5 feet! It was not a good quality fabric but I liked the red and that it was a stretchy material. It was 50% off and I paid $4 for the bundle.
I started drafting the dress.
This was the finished dress (not hemmed.) The back of my shoulders also needed some darts to be put in.
The skirt had no flare, it was like a pencil skirt. Not flattering for my figure, which is straight up and down. The neckline was higher than I would have liked. I decided it was too much work to unpick everything and thought I might start from the beginning again. I had to go back to re-draft my neckline and the skirt. I worked tirelessly, I finished this dress in 3 days. I was like a person possessed.
Below is the second attempt. I am not sure if I want to put a belt on it.
I am not sure of the accessories and shoes - if I should be matching them like this but I was just eager to get a picture in for the blog.
I am much happier with the second piece. The first piece is now given to a friend who seems to like it.